Sunday, November 27, 2011

Scrambled Priorities

Okay, so I know it has been a very long time since I’ve posted anything. I apologize to both of my avid readers for my lack of inspiration. It is very difficult to write regularly without a specific theme. Political bloggers write about the politicians that they hate, fashion bloggers write about the styles that they hate. There isn’t much that I hate consistently enough to be able to post a weekly blog. However, yesterday, something happened that really got me thinking. Someone egged my car.

Or rather, someone tried to egg my car. When I walked outside yesterday morning, I found a smashed egg on the pavement under my car, just in front of the back right tire. Apparently, somebody had attempted to throw an egg at my car the night before and missed. And this is exactly what is wrong with America today.

This mystery vandal obviously lacked the motivation to properly deface my property. Only one egg was used and was not thrown with any care. What the vandal needs to understand is that his service comes with certain expectations. When somebody tells me that my car has been egged, I am expecting to spend a couple of good hours hosing down the car. This is not what I received. Instead, I received nothing more than an obstacle to walk around before hopping into my car and driving to Subway. What does that do for me?

Vandalism is not the place for cutting corners. Only using one egg demonstrates that the perpetrator was more interested in saving a buck than in sending me a message. Throwing the egg so carelessly shows that he feels his time is more valuable than mine. What is this world coming to when everybody is looking out for number one? Pretty soon, Halloween TPers will merely leave a single roll of toilet paper on my doorstep with a note that says, “Gotcha.” I don’t want to live in that America. I dream of a land in which vandals value quality, not efficiency. Where the message sent is more important than the money saved. Where disregard for personal property actually means something. That’s the America I want to be a part of.